A smarter road toward a sustainable future

Somos is an innovative startup and an academic spin-off of the University of Calabria. We offer innovative solutions on mobility management, transportation and logistics.

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Meet Somos

Our team is a pool of experts in the fields of Computer Science, Information Technology, Management and Civil Engineering. Our academic experience and research efforts allow us to offer groundbreaking IoT applications for transportation and logistics, industry 4.0 and services to consumers.

Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence

Digital Customer Experience


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Discover our COVID-19 Innovation Suite

Cutting-edge ICT and ITS tools to grant private companies and public institutions an approachable path to solve emergency related challenges.


Press release

  • Intertrafficworld.com

    The first traffic signal regulated by 100% connected vehicles.

      Read full article 
  • Wallstreetitalia.com

    Somos: la startup italiana che punta alla mobilità del personale

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  • Trasporti-italia.com

    Calabria: la startup Somos sviluppa un'app che influenza i semafori e fa risparmiare tempo nel traffico

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  • Business.it

    SOMOS: gli startupper della smart mobility

      Read full article 